I am a PATIENT looking to take control of my voice…
If you have been having hoarse or weak voice quality, get tired after using your voice, need your voice to reflect the real you, we are ready to improve your life. We would love to answer your questions and get you scheduled with your initial evaluation.
We Treat:
Vocal Fatigue
Vocal Nodules, Polyps & Cysts
Vocal Hemorrhages and Scars
Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Vocal Cord Dysfunction
Parkinson’s Disease
Swallowing Dysfunction (Dysphagia)
Aging Voice (Presbyphonia)
Transgender & Gender Affirming Voice Therapy
Accent Reduction
Vocal cord Paralysis
Spasmodic Dysphonia
Post Stroke Disorders including Dysarthria, Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia

Schedule Your Initial Evaluation